Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

5 Easy Health and Fitness Tips

Getting started with a lifestyle of health and fitness is not really the hard demanding task that anyone usually believe it is. When you really think about this, the difficult element is often the beginning. Later on, the rest will likely be a lot easier after you really get the hang of it. All it takes is self-control along with responsibility.
Below are 5 easy health and fitness tips on how to get a head start on your route to superior health and fitness. Read every one and you'll realize that it is actually easier than you maybe thought it would be. You only need to take the initial few simple steps.
Health and fitness tips #1: Start small.
When your preferred food is something you have to steer clear of, there isn't any meaning in leaving it out if you just binge when you can't take the abstinence any more. Take moderate actions. If you consume the meal each day try and cut down on your consumption and make it just 3 times weekly. When you have managed that, decrease further and make it once every seven days. Doing this, you can still take pleasure in the foods but not build up your longing for these.
Health and fitness tips #2: Plan reasonably.
Establish goals for yourself. But it does not necessarily imply that you will need to kill yourself to get it so when you don't you'll also kill yourself. Establishing too high goals will usually only bring about failure and frustration. While you prepare, be sure that you is able to do it. How will you know? Remain realistic. You know what you are capable of. It is far better setting goals for yourself that you know you can apply. Achieving them gives you a feeling of achievement which will make you more self-confident and much more happy to continue with your task.
Health and fitness tips #3: Use a friend.
Sharing the pains and aches along with the pleasures of achievements with a buddy may help make the program easier plus more tolerable. In reality, those with a companion are better suited to stick to their plans than those who will be undertaking the projects on their own. Simply because if you have a friend with you, he / she provides an assistance system that can help keep you on course which will help prevent you from abandoning. In addition to having a buddy along with you encountering the same struggles definitely makes the process more fun and much more enjoyable.
Health and fitness tips #4: Have self-discipline.
This really is one of the few issues that can make or shatter your intends to finally live a healthful lifestyle. As a way to really stick to the plan, you should develop self-discipline especially when it involves things which you eagerly want to accomplish or stuff that you are used to doing. Temptations in the process will be many and you need to be willing to face all of that!
Health and fitness tips #5: Practice it for your self.
Many men and women set out to live a life of health and fitness in hope of getting noticed by other people. Even though this is a valid reason, at times, it's not sufficient to see you through the full process. It is better that you just do this for yourself simply because you want a healthier and better you compared to do it for other people's acceptance. After all, the only real acceptance that you ever need to have is your own.

Top Health Tips for Maximum Weight Loss

It is easy to dream about losing weight, however, it is a mammoth task if you can not give up your snacking habits and love your oily food sand dessert treats. By only listening to what your body has to say to you, you can easily have the body of your dreams. The tips outlined in this article will help you set better ways of achieving your desired wait, without having you to starve yourself to death and harming your body metabolism:

1. Eat only when hungry
Make a habit of checking in with your stomach to know if you are hungry before you eat. Learn to differentiate between cravings and hunger. Doing this will ensure you are eating out of real hunger instead of emotional hunger. It also brings you in touch with your body and you start noticing and understanding the signals your body is sending you.

2. Eat slowly and with complete concentration
It takes the human brain 20 minutes to know when your stomach is full, so actually you always eat for 20 extra minutes at each meal. Therefore, if we chew slowly and enjoy the food we are eating, not only we are more satisfied with the meal, but we also eat less. Savor the taste and let the flavors blend in your mouth. Make it an experience each time you sit down to eat by truly enjoying every bite of food. By doing this you will feel satisfied with lesser amount of food and won't have cravings throughout the day. You will also find it easier to resist cravings and the temptation to snack during the day.

3. Drink green tea
Green tea contains natural antioxidants which boost your metabolism and burns fat for faster weight loss. This by no means you can eat as many fries as you would like to eat every day. This part is most effective when coupled with watchful and intelligent eating!

4. Eat breakfast
Breakfast is the first meal of the day. A good and nutritious breakfast ensures you have a full stomach and the energy to combat the day's stress which ensures you can resist temptation. On the other hand, an empty stomach makes you more inclined to reach for fatty foods and salty snacks.

5. Workout
This is one of the easiest and the most entertaining way of losing weight. This doesn't necessarily mean joining a gym or going out running if you don't like to. There are many excellent videos which provide easy directions and deliver the weight loss they promise. You have to remember that without exercising any weight loss you achieve will only be temporary.

These weight loss tips are guaranteed to work if you religiously follow them. They will get you to pass any weight loss plateau. The most important thing to remember is that you will only feel beautiful if you believe you are beautiful. So go easy on yourself!
Weight loss is a journey and like any journey you might trip somewhere around while pursuing the course, but the important thing is getting up and continuing, no matter what. With persistence any goal is achievable.

Top Ten Women's Health Tips

As you may have noticed, there are lots of things that you need to consider when trying to stay fit and healthy. More often than not this mass of information becomes overwhelming and most people start off with good intentions but give up in the long run, slipping back to old ways and habits. To help you maintain that healthy lifestyle, below are the top ten things you should be doing to keep yourself healthy and happy. 

1) When trying to keep to a healthy lifestyle, the first thing you need to consider is your diet. A good balanced diet is essential in maintaining a healthy body. Remember, 'rubbish in = rubbish out'. Eating junk food, fatty food and other convenience foods will result in a feeling of lethargy, tiredness, depression and bad complexion just to name a few. Simple changes to make would be avoiding too much red meat, high fat foods and high calorie foods instead substituting this with high fibre low fat food, mixed with a regular intake of fruit and vegetables. Fibre is great for digestion whilst fruit and vegetables will help keep vitamin and mineral levels up. 

2) Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. One of the risks of not drinking enough water is the onset of kidney stones. If you know anybody who has had kidney stones, you'll know this is to be avoided! Drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated which in the long run will help you cleanse your body of impurities. You will start to feel more alert and less tired, you may notice your skin improves with a new radiance. If you are lactating, it is vital that you keep well hydrated to ensure your milk is at its best. Most research suggests that eight glasses of water per day is a minimum. 

3) Consider taking vitamin and mineral supplements, especially at the beginning of your new healthy schedule. Some of the more important ones specific to women are Calcium and Iron. Calcium is essential for women of all ages but especially menopausal women to ensure good bone strength and minimise problems from onset of Osteoporosis. Iron supplements are especially important for menstruating women and women who suffer heavier blood loss during that time of the month. Vitamin E400 is worth taking as this has been shown to reduce flushes and sweating at night. For the skin, consider Vitamin E as as a dietary supplement.

4) If you smoke, GIVE UP!! Yes, I know that is much easier said than done but any reduction in the amount that you smoke will be beneficial. If you find the idea of giving up a step too far why not try cutting down? A great way to cut down is to try and extend the time between your cigarettes. If you can maintain this, you will gradually start to smoke less without feeling the withdrawals as much. If you are pregnant, then smoking is a big 'NO-No'. The toxins in a cigarette can cross from the mothers bloodstream and into the baby. Also your chance of breast cancer is much higher if you are a smoker. Overall reducing alcohol and smoking less are great ways to a healthier happier life.

5) Try and introduce a regular exercise into your daily routine. There are simple ways to get exercise without really trying. You could try walking home from work if it's not too far, don't take the elevator all the time - try using the stairs. When your kids are outside playing, take a few minutes to go and play with them. Not only will you be getting fit but you'll be spending more time with your children. Everyone wins! Yoga is also a great way to stay toned and supple. This can be done in the home with a minimal investment in equipment. There is lots of free info. on the internet related to yoga. A simple cheap way to stay healthy.

6) Try and avoid sources of stress. Stressful situations whether at home or at work can leave you with excess amounts of adrenaline and other 'fight or flight' by-products. These can affect heart muscle, upset sleep patterns causing insomnia and much more. Exercise can help to burn off some of these stress by-products but any high stress situations should be avoided.

7) A lot of women are a sucker for a good suntan but there are hidden dangers. Recent research has indicated that over exposure to sunlight and sun tanning beds could increase your chances of skin cancer by up to 30%. A lot of the damage is done in younger life and may not show for years. Simple ways to avoid danger would be to use high factor sun creams, don't lie out in direct sunlight, consider using a tanning cream and avoid those nasty UV rays altogether.

8) Make sure you attend regular smear tests and ensure you visit your Gynaecologist on a regular basis. A lot of 'womens' problems' can be detected in the early stages and treated accordingly. Cervical cancer, chlamydia and Warts are just a few of them. Avoiding your Gynaecologist is akin to playing Russian roulette!!

9) Make sure you practice safe sex. STD's can be easily transmitted and even a long term partner could be harbouring some unknown stowaways. Sexually transmitted diseases can lie dormant for years. Until you are 100% sure you and you're partner are free from STD's practicing safe sex is the best way to stay healthy.

10) An often overlooked area of personal health is dental hygiene. Not looking after your oral hygiene may result in gum disease, tooth loss, halitosis to name but a few. Keep regular appointments with your dental hygienist and make sure you floss regularly to keep a beautiful bright smile.

5 Great Fitness and Health Tips

Keeping healthy is extremely important, no matter what age you happen to be. It's imperative that you take measures to work on your health and fitness throughout your entire life. Wondering where you can begin? Well, here are 5 great fitness and health tips that you can use to make sure you stay healthy and fit all your life.

Tip #1 - Get Moving - First of all, if you want to stay fit and healthy, you have to get moving. Every day you need to think about how you can get moving in order to keep your body in good shape. There are many little things that you can do to keep moving throughout the day. While going to the gym is a great idea, you don't have to spend an hour at the gym in order to get the movement that you need. Simply take the time to take the dog for a walk, mow your own lawn, take the stairs, park further away in the parking lot, or even to play with your kids. This will help you to get the exercise that you need on a regular basis and it is also great for lowering your stress level too.

Tip #2 - Cut Back the Fat - Another important tip to remember for fitness and health is to make sure that you cut back the fat in your diet. Bad fats can lead to a variety of different physical problems that can end up haunting you as you grow older. So, start cutting the fried foods out of your diet, as well as fast food and even meets that are fatty, such as sausage, bacon, salami, and even ham. You should limit dairy products as well and eat lower fat products instead. Limit the sauces, lunch meats, butter, and mayonnaise that you eat as well. Try to eat lean and you'll definitely reap the benefits.

Tip #3 - De-Stress - Start getting rid of some of the stress in your life. Stress can lead to a variety of health problems. Spend time enjoying yourself each day, such as listening to music, enjoying a hot bath, a long walk, or even reading. Meditating can also help you out as well.

Tip #4 - Stop Smoking - One of the worst things that you can do for your health is to smoke. If you want to be healthier, then one of the best things that you can do for your health is to stop smoking. When you smoke you raise the risk for a variety of nasty diseases, so take the steps to quit as soon as you can.

Tip #5 - Drink More Water - Most people don't drink enough water each day and it shows in their health and fitness. If you want to be fit and healthy, then water is an important part of your diet. You should be drinking at least 8-10 glasses each day, and more when you are exercising. The body needs water to be healthy, and the more you drink water, the healthier you will be.

These are just 5 great fitness and health tips that can really make a difference in your life. Nothing can replace your health, so take the time to follow these tips so you can improve your health for life.

Don't Fall Victim To A Health Insurance Scam - 10 "Red Flags" You Should Look For

In today's fast paced world, business owners don't often have the time to thoroughly check out the companies they rely on to provide goods and services. In many cases, a determination of product/service quality can be made at the time goods are delivered or services are rendered. If goods or services do not meet expectations, there is often an immediate remedy available. For example, poor quality goods can be shipped back to the supplier and/or payment for services can be withheld until services are satisfactorily rendered.
Unfortunately, business owners do not always purchase items that are tangible items, in the sense that they can immediately determine the quality of the goods and/or services at the time of purchase. One example of such a purchase is health insurance. Since health insurance is not usually used immediately after purchase, the quality of care or the legitimacy of the policy may not even come into play until the business owner, or a family member, actually needs to have medical treatment. This is one of the primary reasons that many companies, often appearing legitimate, can get away with selling bogus health insurance coverage to unsuspecting business owners.
In most cases, fraudulent health insurance policies are sold to business owners by telemarketers or "agents" through bogus Associations and Unions. In that, the buyer must join a professional and/or trade association or become a union member to qualify for health insurance. In fact, in a study published by the U.S. General Accountability Office (GAO) in 2004, the GAO found that association schemes ranked at the top of the marketing methods followed by bogus health insurers. According to the report, "Employers and Individuals Are Vulnerable to Unauthorized or Bogus Entities Selling Coverage, between 2000 and 2002, the U.S. Department of Labor and state insurance regulators identified 144 unauthorized entities selling health insurance unlawfully. These entities defrauded 15,000 employers and more than 200,000 policyholders out of $252 million."
However, it is important to mention that many individual and group health insurance products are endorsed by reputable Associations, such as the ARRP and the American Bar Association and, many reputable Unions, such as the AFLCIO and the Teamsters. These organizations have long been recognized for bringing a common class of professionals or citizens together for other purposes that have very little to do with health insurance. Membership commonly includes a wide range of other benefits in addition to discounted health insurance. Typically, the organizations have a governing organization, a constitution and bylaws, a set of officers, voting rights, regular membership meetings and a professional code of conduct.
Unfortunately, most individuals do not find out that they were making hefty monthly payments or premiums to fraudulent Associations or Unions until they have a severe condition that requires medical treatment. Usually, it isn't until after they receive treatment that they receive notice from their medical provider that the claim that was submitted to the insurance company was denied and that all the medical charges that were incurred are now their responsibility.
Often, the scheme starts when business owners are contacted by telephone or approached by someone who claims to represent a certain, official sounding, Association or Union. The business owner is then informed that if s/he becomes a member of the Association or joins the Union, s/he could qualify for a low cost group or individual health insurance plan. Typically the Association or Union is promoted to represent self-employed individuals and small business owners. The low cost health insurance is usually presented as one of the many "perks" that the business owner can qualify for, in addition to many other "member" benefits, like discounts on other services, such as dental, eyeglasses, office supplies, hotels, rental cars, etc.
In many instances, these bogus companies involve licensed health insurance agents to sell their fraudulent health insurance products. Sometimes the "agents" know the products are fraudulent, other times, the "agent" also falls prey to the scheme. Often, the schemes prey upon consumers who have been previously declined insurance coverage or suffer from a pre-existing condition. Since these consumers have very limited options to purchase private health insurance coverage, the benefits of an Association or Union membership that offers health insurance coverage for a "membership fee" or "union due" is enticing. To the unsuspecting consumer that has a pre-existing medical condition or is paying high premiums for coverage, the "membership fee" or "union due" is a small price to pay for what they believe will be a quality health plan that provides "guaranteed" coverage with no "pre-existing condition exclusions" and no "waiting periods."
In many circumstances, the print materials that are left with the consumer are very well designed, however, the majority of the time, the language in the "health plan brochure," if there is one, is very unclear. The literature may name the entity that is authorized to act as the health plan administrator of the plan, but neglect to name the actual insurance company that is providing the health insurance coverage. Unfortunately, it is often difficult for the consumer to separate the illegitimate companies selling official sounding health plans from the legitimate ones. Typically fraudulent health plans have many commonalities.
Here are 10 "Red Flags" that may indicate health insurance fraud:
1. The "agent" is not a licensed insurance agent but an "enrollment" or "membership" coordinator.
2. The term "discount plan" is written in the product literature, but the term health plan, health insurance or policy is frequently used by the plan promoter. Discount plans often provide nothing more than a discount for medical services, such as prescription medications, eyeglasses, dental, etc. These plans are not designed to offer major medical health insurance coverage.
3. The official sounding "Association or Union" is one that you have never heard of before.
4. The plan is referred to as an ERISA plan. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is a federal law that allows employers to set up employee benefit plans for employees and their dependents. ERISA plans are not subject to state regulation and are not regulated by the state insurance commissioner. ERISA plans are normally not sold as health insurance, but are instead, established by employers, unions or groups acting on behalf of employers. Therefore, unsuspecting buyers believe these plans actually offer health insurance coverage, when if fact, they do not.
5. The buyer is told that the "membership fee or union dues" includes the health insurance premium, but there is no mention of the word "premium" in any of the plan literature.
6. The plan offers "guaranteed" insurance coverage with no exclusions for "pre-existing conditions" and no "waiting periods."
7. The plan is significantly cheaper in price than other health insurance plans.
8. The term "reinsured" is used in regards to the plan. Reinsurance is something insurance companies buy to protect themselves against their own risks. It is insurance for insurance companies. Licensed insurers rarely have their agents mention any of their reinsurance arrangements during a sales presentation.
9. If the Association or Union is comprised of members from all walks of life and/or requires its members to state that they belong to a certain trade, class or group of professionals that they have no affiliation with, for example, the Association or Union is said to be comprised of "Food and Beverage" workers, but "Florists" and "Machinists" are allowed to enroll as members.
10. If the Association or Union is said to have a special arrangement with a health insurance company, a plan administrator or another third party that has designed the plan using a legal "loophole" that allows members to purchase health insurance at a discounted rate or to purchase a individual or group health insurance policy.
So how can you protect yourself from falling victim to a fraudulent insurance scam? Make sure you contact your state's department of Insurance to determine if the health insurance company and the third-party administrator are licensed to do business in your state and make sure that the "agent" selling the plan is a "licensed health insurance agent." Additionally, make sure that the health insurance company has been approved to sell the particular policy that is being offered. Since it may be difficult to tell if fraud is involved, always put off buying your insurance policy until you have had the opportunity to perform your own due diligence.

5 Important Health Tips

5 Important Health Tips

health fitness tips Eating a healthy health care tips, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best. It doesn't have to be difficult either. Just follow these eight diet tips to get started.
The key to a healthy diet is to do the following health care tips:
 Eat the right number of calories health fitness tips for how active health tips you are, so that you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use. If you eat or drink too much, you’ll put on weight. If you eat and drink too little, you’ll lose weight health care tips. The average man needs around 2,500 calories a day (10,500 kilojoules). The average woman needs 2,000 calories (8,400 kilojoules) health tips. Most adults are eating more health care tips calories than they need, and should eat fewer calorieshealth fitness tips.
Eat a wide range of foods health care tips to ensure that you’re getting a balanced diet and that your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs health tips.

Get started health tips

The eatwell plate health care tips:
To help you get the right balance of the five main food groups, take a look at the eatwell plate (PDF, 1.6Mb)
To maintain a healthy diet health fitness tips, the eatwell plate shows you how much of what you eat should come from each food group health tips.

These practical tips cover the basics health care tips of healthy eating, and can help you make healthier choices:
Base your meals on starchy foods health fitness tips

Starchy foods should make up around one third of the foods you eat health tips. Starchy foods include potatoes, cereals, pasta, rice and bread health care tips. Choose wholegrain varieties (or eat potatoes with their skins on) when you can:health fitness tips they contain more fibre, and can make you feel full for longer health care tips. Most of us should eat health fitness tips more starchy foods health tips: try to include at least one starchy food with each main meal. Some people think starchy foods are fattening, but gram for gram they contain fewer than half the calories of fat. Learn more in Starchy foods health tips.
Eat lots of fruit and veg health tips.

It’s recommended that we eat at least health care tips five portions of different types of fruit and veg a day. It’s easier than it sounds. A glass of 100% unsweetened fruit juice can count as one portion, and vegetables cooked into dishes also count. Why not chop a banana over your breakfast cereal health tips, or swap your usual mid-morning snack for some dried fruit? Learn more in 5 A DAY health care tips.
Eat more fish

health care tips Fish is a good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals health tips. Aim to eat at least two portions a week, including at least one portion of oily fish. Oily fish is high in omega-3 fats health fitness tips, which may help to prevent heart disease health care tips. You can choose from fresh, frozen and canned: but remember that canned and smoked fish can be high in salt health tips. Oily fish include salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, fresh tuna, sardines and pilchards. Non-oily fish include haddock, plaice, coley, cod, tinned tuna, skate and hake. Anyone who health care tipsregularly eats a lot of fish should try to choose as wide a variety as possible health tips.
Cut down on saturated fat and sugar

We all need some fat in our diet health care tips. But it’s important to pay attention to the amount and type of fat we’re eating. There are two main types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood health care tips, which increases your risk of developing heart disease. Saturated fat is found in many foods, such as hard cheese, cakes health care tips, biscuits, sausages health tips, cream, butter, lard and pies. Try to cut down, and choose foods that contain unsaturated rather than saturated fats, such as vegetable oils health care tips, oily fish and avocados. For a healthier choice, use a just a small amount of vegetable oil or reduced-fat spread instead of butter health tips, lard or ghee. When you're having meat, choose lean cuts and cut off any visible fat. Learn more, and get tips on cutting down, in Eat less saturated fat.

Most people in the UK eat and drink too much sugar health tips. Sugary foods and drinks, including alcoholic drinks, are often high in energy (measured in kilojoules or calories), and could contribute to weight gain. They can also cause tooth decay, especially if eaten between meals health tips. Cut down on sugary fizzy drinks, alcoholic drinks, cakes, biscuits and pastries, which contain added sugars: this is the kind of sugar we should be cutting down on rather than sugars that are found naturally in foods such as fruit and milk health tips. Food labels can help: use them to check how much sugar foods contain. More than 22.5g of sugar per 100g means that the food is high in sugar. Learn more in Sugars and Understanding food labels health tips.
Eat less salt health tips.

Even if you don’t add salt to your food health tips, you may still be eating too much. About three-quarters of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy, such as breakfast cereals, soups, breads and sauces. Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke health tips. Use food labels to help you cut down. More than 1.5g of salt per 100g means the food is high in salt. Adults and children over 11 should eat no more than 6g of salt a day. Younger children should have even less. Learn more in Salt: the facts health tips.

Get active and be a healthy weight

Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight health tips, which is an important part of overall good health. Being overweight or obese can lead to health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease and stroke. Being underweight could also affect your health. Check health tips. whether you’re a healthy weight by using our Healthy weight calculator. Most adults need to lose weight, and need to eat fewer calories in order to do this. If you're trying to lose weight, aim to eat less and be more active. Eating a healthy, balanced diet will help: aim to cut down on foods that are high in fat and sugar health tips, and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Don't forget that alcohol is also high in calories, so cutting down can help you to control your weight. You can find information and advice in Lose weight. If you’re underweight, see Underweight adults. If you're worried about your weight, ask your GP or a dietitian for advice health tips. Physical activity can help you to maintain weight loss or be a healthy weight. Being active doesn’t have to mean hours at the gym: you can find ways to fit more activity into your daily life health tips. For example, try getting off the bus one stop early on the way home from work, and walking. Being physically active may help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. For more ideas, see Get active your way health tips. After getting active, remember not to reward yourself with a treat that is high in energy. If you feel hungry after activity, choose foods or drinks that are lower in calories but still filling health tips.
Don't get thirsty health tips?

We need to drink about 1.2 litres of fluid every day to stop us getting dehydrated. This is in addition to the fluid we get from the food we eat. All non-alcoholic drinks count, but water, milk and fruit juices are the most healthy health tips. Try to avoid sugary soft and fizzy drinks that are high in added sugars and can be high in calories and bad for teeth. When the weather is warm, or when we get active, we may need more. Learn more in Drinks health tips.

Don’t skip breakfast health tips?

Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them health tipslose weight health tips. In fact, research shows that eating breakfast can help people control their weight. A healthy breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet, and provides some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. Wholemeal cereal, with fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and nutritious breakfast health tips.

8 Health Tips to Get in Shape For the New Year For a New You!

With the new year approaching, the first resolution most people think about going for is a gym membership. Year after year the same thing happens. They really want to get into shape, and they know for sure that this year will be different. They sign up for a year membership and start their new goal with clear focus and determination.
Most people never make it past the first week. Why? Mostly because they quit when they realize how much work goes into getting back into the shape they once had. The fact of the matter is that it really is not as difficult as they think. They are just focusing on one aspect of overall wellness and burning themselves out on it.
In order to lose weight and keep it off for good, a person must develop the mindset necessary for living a healthy lifestyle. There is much more to being healthy than showing up to the gym every day. In fact, exercise is only one-eighth of the total equation. If you really want to achieve personal wellness in 2009, forget the gym and focus instead on improving the following 8 categories of health.
Health Tips #1: Diet & Nutrition
You already know the main reason you gained weight. Too many trips through the McDonalds drive-through, late night snacking on junk food and poor dinner choices. You do not have to eat a diet of bland salads and yogurt, but you do need to limit the amount of trigger foods that you caused your weight gain. Replace your current American diet of high sugar, high-fat processed foods with those found in the produce and lean meat department as often as you can.
Health Tips #2: Nutritional Supplements
Now that our soils are more depleted of minerals than ever, and our farm animals are not fed properly, living a healthy lifestyle requires nutritional supplementation. I lost 70 pounds in 4 months and kept it off for over 15 years simply by drinking a soy-based protein shake for breakfast every morning and taking a few targeted vitamins. Why does this work? Because greasy bacon and runny eggs do not provide proper nutrition.
Health Tips #3: Fun & Recreation
What makes you happy? Going to the movies? Ice Skating? Playing the guitar? Whatever it is, you must find time for it on a weekly basis (if not daily) in order to maintain good mental stability. Your activities and hobbies should not include junk food or alcohol. Going to the movies is watching the movie, not eating a tub of fatty buttered popcorn. Be happy with what you are doing without the unnecessary evils.
Health Tips #4: Hydration
Drinking enough water throughout the day is the part of the equation that gets overlooked. People do not consider drinking as important as eating and it is! You should not be drinking soda or processed juices every day. Why? Because they deplete your body of vitamins and minerals while loading you up on sugar. Alcohol is even worse. Do yourself a favor and keep a water bottle with you at all times. Drink, drink, drink. I cannot stress this enough.
Health Tips #5: Stress
And speaking of stress, this is what happens when you do not allow yourself to have any fun in your life. This is just as important to living a healthy lifestyle as eating and drinking properly. Too much stress can cause major problems for your body. You only live once, so do not allow other people and events to get you so bothered and worried that you cannot live the lifestyle you deserve for yourself.
Health Tips #6: Unhealthy Habits
Not eating the wrong foods is just as important as eating the right foods. But unhealthy habits are not just about food, are they? Smoking and the use of other drugs, prescription or not, is probably the worst thing a person can do to their body. This is the only one you have! Take care of it. Alcohol is OK on occasion but not recommended on a daily basis to anyone interested in living a healthy lifestyle.
Health Tips #7: Weight Management
Have you ever noticed that weight loss really is not the issue that people struggle with? Most everyone has lost weight at one point in their life. Keeping that weight off is the obstacle that most people can not overcome. Think about it logically. If you gained weight by eating twinkies, then lost weight when you stopped eating twinkies, do not go back to eating twinkies. The person who eats twinkies on occasion (not every day) does not struggle with weight fluctuation.
Health Tips #8: Exercise
You knew this one was coming! It is totally possible to lose weight without exercising. I am living proof because my severe asthma prohibited me from doing it. The reason I can exercise now is because I got my body healthy through focusing on the other 7 categories. Once I began exercising, it only accelerated my weight loss and now helps to keep me lean. The key to exercise is not quantity but quality. A little bit every day will give you the best health benefits overall.
So there you have it! The 8 health tips to kick off the new year for a new you. Focus on improving each of these simultaneously as your one and only New Years Resolution and you will be on a successful path to overall wellness. Weight loss and poor health can be things of the past if you are just willing to make small changes on a daily basis.

Mental Health Discrimination Bill moves step closer

A bill proposed by Tory backbencher and Croydon Central MP Gavin Barwell which would outlaw certain forms of mental health discrimination passed through its second reading in the House of Commons last Friday – 14 September 2012. If passed, the bill will repeal legislative provisions that can prevent people with mental health conditions from serving as Members of Parliament, members of the devolved legislatures, jurors, or company directors.
Mr Barwell said:
"My Bill's purpose is very simple: to tackle the last legal form of discrimination in our society.
"To our shame the law of the land still discriminates against those with a mental health condition. An MP or a company director can be removed from their job because of mental ill health even if they go on to make a full recovery. Many people who are fully capable of performing jury service are ineligible to do so.
"The law as it stands sends out a clear message that if someone has a mental health condition, their contribution to public life is not welcome. That is an affront to a decent civilised society."
Shadow Health Minister Diane Abbott gave Labour's support to the legislation, telling MPs:
"Mental health is probably the last remaining great area of stigma in public life. It is striking that there were MPs willing to come out about their sexuality before you could find MPs willing to come out about their mental health challenges. It speaks to the level of stigma."
Whilst Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said:
"The Government is doing a huge amount to try and remove some of the stigma surrounding mental illness, and I am delighted to be able to support this private member's bill, which addresses a problem in the House of Commons - my own workplace.
"It's ludicrous in this day and age that a person can't contribute to public life if they've had issues with their mental health.
"Discrimination like this has no place in modern society and it is right that these rules are repealed."
Both the Government and Labour front benches have given their support to the Bill, which has been praised on all sides for going some way to breaking down the stigma associated with mental health. Throughout the debates in the Commons some MPs revealed they had faced mental health problems, including Labour MP Kevan Jones who admitted battling depression and Tory MP Charles Walker who has suffered with Obsessive Compulsive Order for the last 31 years.
On speaking out Walker commented:
"What was totally overwhelming actually was the fact that when you're sitting in a studio waiting to be interviewed you'd have the people doing the make-up say, my husband, my son, my father, suffers from mental health problems, thank you.
"And then you'd go through to the next level and meet the producer and the producer would quietly say I've suffered from mental health problems for a number of years, thank you for giving me a voice."
The Bill now faces the committee stage before it returns to the Commons for a final vote, expected early in 2013. It has been backed by mental health charities and the Royal College of Physicians, and builds on the work of Lord Stevenson of Coddenham, who launched a similar bill in the House of Lords which aims to make provision about discrimination against people on the grounds of their mental health.
Paul Jenkins, CEO of Rethink Mental Illness, commented: 
"We are absolutely delighted that MPs have taken action to scrap these outdated, deeply unfair rules. This Bill sends a clear message that people with mental health problems can and should be able to fully contribute to society on an equal footing to everyone else. It's absurd that capable, intelligent people are being excluded from key aspects of citizenship, based purely on the fact they have an illness. People with physical illnesses such as cancer would never be treated in this way, and it's great to see politicians from all parties joining together get rid of these discriminatory laws."

Employees Suffering Health Problems in Silence

The majority of employees in the UK prefer to suffer in silence with a health problem or a personal problem that tell your boss or colleagues, according to new research from Aviva UK Health.

Only 4% of employees surveyed in the Aviva Health study say they approach their boss with a health problem. Another 5% said they would trust a partner. Only 1% said they trust their problems with the human resources department. In comparison, 60% say they are attacking your partner and 33% would talk to the family doctor.

Nearly a quarter of employees (23%) say it is a matter of protecting your privacy, and 21% of employees think admitting health problems could affect your job prospects. A little over a tenth (11%) say they just do not trust their boss.

Meanwhile, 39% of employers intend to make a point of identifying the problems of employees and 42% say they have a policy of open doors.

Dr. Doug Wright, principal clinical consultant at Aviva UK Health, said: "It is good to see that employers recognize the importance of having an open door policy with regard to the health and well-being their employees, but we are aware of the alarming gap between perception and reality to help them take action to solve problems.

"The lack of communication between employers and their staff means that health risks such as stress in the workplace are not effectively managed. Lack of employee engagement also impede the ability of the employer to intervene time and provide their employees with adequate support at the right time. "

6 Health and Beauty Tips For Women

In this center, I share some beauty tips for women's health and life is becoming faster and more people every day and everyone wants shortcuts to achieve the goal and wants to be more health and beauty. So you have plenty of time devoted to health and beauty more? Everyone wants to be considered young in the center here are some other tips for health and beauty to help women do just that.
Find a few minutes in the day to do a variety of exercises. Exercises like swimming, running and playing really help people stay in shape.
Eat more fruits and vegetables instead of fatty foods to make a habit of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables rather than other oily and fatty foods.
You must keep away from tension because tension is the main source of disease and if you want to be healthy and fit you should remove your self from different kinds of tension.
You need to stretch your self a few times a day, the best time to stretch the time in the morning when you wake up.
You should drink plenty of water Drinking more water will stay away from doctors and not have to go to the doctors at the clinic.
If you need more information about health tips, you should consult the page of primary care BMI..

Free Beauty Tips for Natural Beauty

The popular saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder may be true to some extent, but restricting beauty to a phrase is not fair, especially when you can make use of various natural beauty tips for improve our appearance and overall appearance. Today, the beauty stores are flooded with a variety of chemical beauty products. Although the "look" and "feel" of these big brands may often tempt us, we must never forget the benefits of using homemade beauty recipes for skin care, cosmetics and bio products natural beauty.
Learn more about The best beauty tips Beauty Tips Natural Facial Skin Care Tips
Free Beauty Tips
1. Sleeping on your back will prevent many wrinkles and breakouts on the face, and even wrinkles in the cleavage area.
Two. Use tight clothes that make you look heavier. Even a slim girl can bulge jeans too tight.
Three. Put a layer of clear nail polish before a colored polish to keep your nails change color.
April. Being angry really take away from your beauty now and will result in more wrinkles later.
May Use less makeup makes you look younger.
June Vitamins and minerals are necessary for health and beauty, but more is not always better. Excess vitamin A or selenium can cause hair loss. There is nothing beautiful about losing your hair.
July. If you are not satisfied with shampoo, always make a great "shaving cream" for your legs in the shower.
August When shaving, do not stretch the skin and cause ingrown hairs by shaving the hair under the skin slightly.
9. Drink plenty of water and get eight hours of sleep each day.
10. Tighten the straps as they stretch, or buy a new bra when they can not tighten more, to keep the heart young and gay.
11. Instead of shaving several times, with the hair coming darker and thicker each time, try waxing. Wax to remove hair will result in softer hairs each time and result in permanent hair loss after a few sessions. Aussie Nad is a natural product that is easy to use.
12. Sleeping on two or three pillows at a time or acid reflux fixing sleep will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes.
13. Exercise while dieting is a must or your skin will be too big (and loose) of his little body. It's much, much harder to tighten skin after your body shrinks as you go.
14. After washing your face, rinse with cold water (fair-skinned people should use cool instead of cold) to close the pores and tighten the facial muscles.
15. If you are out of spray fast drying nail, dip your fingers in a bowl of ice water. (Do not touch the sides of the bowl.) Nails dry very quickly.
16. Good posture can make you look slimmer.
17. Wearing a low heel will give you a better position to wear flat shoes.
18. Renew thick nail polish by adding a few drops of nail polish remover in the bottle.
19. Make nail polish bottle not get stuck closed, apply a thin coat of Vaseline inside the lid.
20. Hairbrushes often cleaned with soap and borax. In a basin of warm water, add 1/2 cup of borax and a few drops of liquid soap. Sweeping brushes to stir, rinse and let dry. Scrub stubborn stains with a toothbrush used.

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